Friday, August 26, 2016

Argumentatif text about STR

To be able to run the practice of nursing, nurse appointed Registration Certificate  (STR). As for getting STR, appointed nurse must have a certificate of competency (HEALTH, 2014). The nursing profession OPM/Persatuan Nurse known as NasionalIndonesia (PPNI) have a nursing competency standard ditujukansebagai guidelines for nurses in running the role his profession (PPNI, 2005).

To be able to run the practice of nursing, nurse as Registration Certificate wajibmemiliki (STR). Us for getting STR, as nurse must have a certificate of competency (HEALTH, 2014). The nursing profession OPM/Persatuan Nurse known as NasionalIndonesia (PPNI) have a nursing competency standard ditujukansebagai guidelines for nurses in running the role his profession (PPNI, 2005).

Competence is a part of student learning outcomes assessment in the field of health and is divided in two stages, namely the written test and the test of practice. Based on circular letter issued by the Directorate General of HIGHER EDUCATION, test This competence can be carried out on the final stage after finishing the entire stages of education as exit exam which should pay attention to the importance of professional academic environment. (HIGHER EDUCATION, 2013). But after the see the results of the competency test was done on students DIII. DIII of nursing and midwifery, Ners, it still required the existence of a improvements in the education system. Therefore, on June 18, 2014 The Ministry of education and culture Directorate General of higher education
issued a circular letter number 529/e. E3/DT/2014 regarding the Status Test Competence for students of courses DIII Obstetrics, DIII of nursing Ners and containing about yet uses competence to  determine graduation or as exit exam (HIGHER EDUCATION, 2014).

Although there is a still-piha party pros and cons against this problem.From the Pros they consider various aspects, namely

1.      Health workers is one of the most important factors in supporting the health care system functions.
2.      It takes a health workforce that is competent and dedicated in the amount and distribution of the good to be able to run the roles and function optimally.  
3.      Improved quality of health workforce education is one of the strategic steps to enhance the quality and availability of health care personnel have the relevant competence to run the health care system.
4.      One of the efforts to encourage the acceleration of the increase and equitable quality health workforce education is to enhance the quality control of graduate education.
5.      National competency test is one of the effective ways to improve the education process and the achievement of the menajamakan relefansi of competence in accordance with the standards of competence which is required of the community.
6.      Competence use to measuring knowledge, skills, and behavior of the students at colleges of higher education which hosted the health field.
7.      National Competency test organized by the College cooperates with the Organization of the profession. Organizing Committee implemented by the Organizer specified by a decision of the Minister of research, technology, and higher education. So The Test Competence is prepared well
8.      The test is intended to achieve a standard of competency graduates who meet the competency standards of work. In addition to this, National Competency Test can be used as part of the securing of the quality of education.

Based on Act No. 12 year 2012 article 44 has been explained about the authority awarding a certificate of competency. For that the Government is obliged to provide the standard of competence system which applies nationally to ensure the quality of the implementation of the competency test. In a more technical, has published Act No. 36 by 2014 on health workforce and Act No. 38 by 2014 about nursing, as a firmer mandate the existence of national competence. In accordance with article 21 paragraph (7) Undang- Undang Number 36 by 2014 or article 16 paragraph (7) Act No. 38 by 2014, the procedures for the implementation of Competence governed by regulation of the Minister, in this case is the Ministry of research, technology, and higher education.

Although the regulations have been made and many pros, but there is a counter party will Test the competence of this ever happening since some issues as follows:

1.      Janelle Ners Indonesia (UKNI) held poses some problems, these problems include the problem of socialization and supply; problem formulation and problem determination of minimum UKN; a matter of time, place, and organizer of the UKN; metodeUKN mechanism problem; the problem of financing the UKN; issue announcements via online; the issue of mechanisms retaker; and the problem of standardization of STR. One of the problems that appear on UKNI is mengenasi socialisation and supply. Socialization and supply to students can be done in the form of try out or supply. Supply to the nursing students this can be done since the beginning of the lecture so that students are better equipped in dealing with UKNI (HPEQ student, 2013).
2.      The execution of perceived competence be a burden that increasingly beratbagi student of nursing which was previously there is no competence. This is because the Assembly of Indonesia health workers (MTKI) establishes competence must be passed by all graduate student health. If it does not pass the competency test, students must follow a competence in the next period and got the program guidance from the institution of origin and cannot practice nursing because it hasn't been able to get the Registration Certificate (Anggraeni  2013)

In a policy cannot be denied when there are pros and cons. Nursing Students as surely we must be able to criticize the return regarding the policies undertaken by the Government. Similarly, policies regarding Test Kompensi for health care personnel especially nurses.


KEMENTERIAN RISET, TEKNOLOGI, DAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI. (2016). Lampiran     peraturan menteri riset, teknologi,     dan pendidikan tinggi republik indonesia      nomor 12 tahun 2016     tentang      tata cara pelaksanaan uji kompetensi      mahasiswa bidang kesehatan. PANDUAN PELAKSANAAN UJI KOMPETENSI BAGI MAHASISWA BIDANG KESEHATAN.

Anonim. (2016) Bagaimanakah persepsi mahasiswa profesi PSIK FK UGM tentang Uji Kompetensi Ners Indonesia.  retrieved 21 November 2016 from

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